January 2006               


            2006 !  It is had to believe another year has passed. January 1st was a beautiful day, more like spring than the middle of winter.  We read the paper, watched TV and just took it easy. 

            On the 2nd we packed up and left Rayford Crossing to return to Richmond and Shiloh.  Dick had another Dr. appointment and needed to finish up some work for Dualco. 

            On Saturday, the 6th we said goodbye to Richmond and headed west.  Our first stop was Austin.  We planned to stay there a couple of days and visit the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum there.  This museum has only been open a few years. It contains not only exhibits on the history and people of Texas, but also has an IMAX theater and another theater.  It was a very interesting afternoon.

            Before we left for the museum Millie had talked to Lee and Sue Atha who live in the area.  Lee was a co-worker of Millie’s for 20 years.  We decided to get together in the evening.  Lee and Sue stopped by the RV park and we visited for a while, then we went to dinner at the Texas Roadhouse.  It was a great evening and we enjoyed seeing Lee and Sue again. 

            Our plans were to leave Austin on Monday, but Millie was sick so she spent the next to days in bed and we finally departed Austin on Wednesday.  The weather was beautiful as we drove east through the Texas hill country and picked up I-10. 

            Alamogordo, NM was our next destination.  We stayed for a couple of days.  The reason for our visit was to see White Sands National Monument and the White Sands Missile Range, where the space program was developed.

            We drove to the missile range first.  Their web site stated the hours and no tests were posted so we decided it would be a good day to visit.  We stopped at the gate and were told both the visitor’ center and museum were closed.  (Somehow that always seems to happen to us!).  Maybe another time.

            White Sands National Monument is incredible.  We first stopped at the visitor’s center and viewed the exhibits and saw a film on the area.  Then we drove back through the amazing white sand dunes.  The further back in the park that you drive the more beautiful they become.

            The sand is composed of gypsum, caused by water dissolving the mineral in the mountains and carrying it to the valley.  As there is no outlet for the water there, it evaporates, leaving the gypsum behind.  The park only encompasses a small portion of the basin.   A loop road allows you to drive through the dunes.

            It was interesting to walk on the “sand”; it is really easy to walk on and doesn’t stick to your feet.  Many folks were sledding the dunes and enjoying the day. 

            Leaving Alamogordo, we continued to our final destination, Tucson and Voyager RV Resort.  We had visited this resort last spring and made reservations to spend the winter here. 

            We were escorted to our site and got set up.  We have a large site here, with a paved pad.  After setting up we walked to the registration office and received our information packet and name badges.  This is a very large park with lots of activities.

            The rest of the month was spent with housekeeping, laundry, and just generally getting acquainted with the park and surrounding area.  Dick got our bikes out and we rode around the park.  We also took several long walks. 

            Millie checked out the sewing and needlework groups and quickly got involved.  Members of the groups either work on their own projects or work on projects that are donated to various charities in the area.  Millie has been busy knitting tiny hats and booties for preemie babies for the needlework group.  The ladies get together twice a week for a couple of hours to work and visit. 

            She worked on duffle bags for foster kids at the sewing group.  This group also meets twice a week, the same days and times as the needle workers, so she decided to split her time between the two, going to one on Monday and one on Friday. 

            Voyager is on the south side of I-10 and Davis Monthan Air Force Base is north of the freeway.  It is interesting to see the fighter pilots training.  Davis Monthan is also home of the “bone yard” for unused aircraft and there are many acres of planes stored here, everything from fighter planes to the huge air transports.

            Next month we will tell you more about our stay in Tucson. 


(Lots of new photos in the gallery, take a look.  We couldn't link to all of them.)